​President Sarkissian continues home treatment, positive dynamics observed - English
07 Ekim 2024 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Հոռի / Օր : Աստղիկ / Ժամ : Խաւարակ

English :

26 Ocak 2021  

​President Sarkissian continues home treatment, positive dynamics observed -

​President Sarkissian continues home treatment, positive dynamics observed ​President Sarkissian continues home treatment, positive dynamics observed

The President of the Republic Armen Sarkissian continues home treatment after contracting Covid-19.

The President’s Office says there is positive dynamics in Sarkissian’s condition, but he is still under the supervision of doctors.

President Sarkissian will return to Yerevan immediately after the doctors’ permission. The President continues to work remotely, carrying out his constitutional functions.

President Sarkissian and Mrs. Nune Sarkissian once again thank everyone for wishes of health and support.

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