​Mel Gibson visits Armenian church in Glendale - English
20 Ocak 2025 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Արաց / Օր : Արագած / Ժամ : Առաւօտ

English :

01 Şubat 2023  

​Mel Gibson visits Armenian church in Glendale -

​Mel Gibson visits Armenian church in Glendale ​Mel Gibson visits Armenian church in Glendale

Oscar-winning American actor and director Mel Gibson has visited St. Kevork Armenian Church in Glendale.

Members of the Armenian community posted a photo with the actor on social media.

Famous singer Antoine Bezdjian shared a photo with Gibson on Facebook.

“So proud to meet this legend and proud of his strong faith in our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ and his connection with our Armenian people. Thank you for joining us at mass today,” Alina Samuelian said, captioning an Instagram photo with the actor.

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