​Preparation of the 850th anniversary of the death of Saint Nerses - English
07 Şubat 2025 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Մեհեկան / Օր : Աստղիկ / Ժամ : Ծայգն

English :

17 Şubat 2023  

​Preparation of the 850th anniversary of the death of Saint Nerses -

​Preparation of the 850th anniversary of the death of Saint Nerses ​Preparation of the 850th anniversary of the death of Saint Nerses

On Wednesday, 15 February, a meeting was held at the Dicastery for the Promotion of Christian Unity to prepare the commemoration of the 850th anniversary of the death of St Nerses the Gracious (or "Shnorhali", 1102-1173), which falls in 2023. St. Nerses, Catholicos of the Armenian Church, is known for his theological, poetic and musical work, as well as for his commitment to Christian unity.

At the invitation of His Eminence Cardinal Kurt Koch, Prefect of the Dicastery for Christian Unity, the meeting was attended by Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches, Archbishop Levon Zekian, of the Catholic Armenians of Istanbul and Turkey, Archbishop Vartan Boghossian, Patriarchal Representative for the Armenian Catholic Church, His Eminence Khajag Barsamian, Representative to the Holy See of the Armenian Apostolic Church - See of Etchmiadzine, and His Eminence Nareg Alemezian, Representative of the Armenian Apostolic Church - See of Cilicia. The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss various projects of an ecumenical nature planned for the jubilee.

Rev. Fr. Hyacinthe Destivelle, Official of the Dicastery for Promoting of Christian Unity, and Rev. Nicolas van der Maelen, Official of the Dicastery for the Oriental Churches, also participated in the meeting.

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