We`ll hear about the immense pressure on Armenians in Turkey by Sevan Deirmendjian - Dökümantasyon
07 Mart 2025 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Մեհեկան / Օր : Աստղիկ / Ժամ : Այգ

Videolar » Dökümantasyon » We`ll hear about the immense pressure on Armenians in Turkey by Sevan Deirmendjian

We`ll hear about the immense pressure on Armenians in Turkey by Sevan DeirmendjianTarih : 10 Ekim 2020 ¦ Gösterim : 3.199

Updates from EVN, IST, and LA. Sunday 12 PM PST on YouTube. We`ll connect with Antic and Gor_Kirakosian who are on the ground in Yerevan mobilizing volunteers, donations and aid for #Artsakh. We`ll hear about the immense pressure on Armenians in Turkey now from MP Garo Paylan - Կարօ Փայլան `s advisor, Sevan Deirmendjian. And then circle back to LA with Salpi Ghazarian, director of USC Institute of Armenian Studies, and discuss the political predicament that we`re in today.